Benefits Of Miswak

In some regions, Miswak, known as siwak, occupies a fundamental position in the Islamic hygiene routine. Using miswak is a well-known sunnah of the Muhammad SAW and is a perfect way to maintain oral hygiene. In a hadith, Muhammad Saw said that if it had not been difficult for my nation, I would have ordered them to use the miswak for every prayer. Not only does miswak help maintain good oral hygiene, but it is also a way of gaining Allah’s pleasure. This traditional practice helps people grow closer to the deen, making it a valuable addition to their everyday routine.

Apart from this, miswak has various health benefits. Read on to learn more about them.  

Miswak Tree

The Miswak stick is obtained from a tree trunk. This tree is Salvadora persica, a tree native to the Middle East, Africa, and India. This tree has been used in oral hygiene, medicine, cosmetics, and even fuel for centuries.

Benefits of Miswak

Protection Against Cavities and Tooth Decay

The human mouth harbors millions of different bacteria. Some bacteria use the starch and sugar in food to produce acid that breaks down the enamel wall. While many toothpastes use fluoride to beat tooth decay, another great solution is present inside the body, which is saliva.

Saliva is proven to prevent tooth decay by washing the bacteria into the stomach and giving the teeth time to repair themselves. Miswak has been proven to increase saliva formation, leading to a healthy mouth. Moreover, minerals such as calcium oxide and potassium present in miswak naturally help strengthen the enamel, promoting good oral health.

Fights Against Plaque and Tartar

Plaque refers to the invisible sheet of bacteria that becomes more dense as the bacteria grow and multiply. Although brushing can help eliminate this problem, plaque build-up leads to a yellowish stain known as tartar. And if tartar is given time to accumulate, it can lead to gum and tooth loss in the future.

Miswak protects against plaque and tartar. The natural extract contains chloride, which removes stains from teeth. Moreover, miswak has many antibacterial properties that prevent bacteria from accumulating in the first place.

Protection Against Bad Breath

Bad breath is among the most common symptoms of numerous high-risk mouth diseases. Mostly caused by bacteria that live on the surface of the tongue and mouth, bad breath can become a serious problem. Thankfully, the antibacterial properties of miswak are enough to fight bad breath. Additionally, miswak promotes saliva production and can help prevent bad breath.

Healthy Gums

Swollen gums result from bad oral hygiene and can lead to serious mouth problems if left untreated. Although many toothpaste brands help keep gums healthy, they are still artificial. In contrast, miswak is a natural remedy for swollen, sensitive gums. Miswak’s gingival properties help keep the gums healthy by protecting them against harmful bacteria.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Miswak contains antioxidants such as catalase and polyphenol oxidase, which have anti-cancer properties. Though it hasn’t been established how effective miswak is for cancer inside the body, its preventive usage has been established through research.

Cost Effective

Whether one uses the original miswak or its other formulations made from different trees, the price of miswak is surprisingly lower than that of toothbrushes. And since miswak functions as a 3-in-1 (toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash), it is a cost-effective option.


Normal plastic toothbrushes take hundreds of years to decompose fully, posing an environmental threat. But because the miswak is obtained from a tree, it is completely biodegradable.

The Proper Way To Use Miswak

  1. The individual should take any miswak stick of his choice and either trim or chew one end.
  2. Continue the chewing from this sentence till the stick becomes soft and forms ‘bristles’. To speed up this process, the stick can be placed in water to soften it.
  3. When these ‘bristles’ are fully formed, rinse the stick once before brushing the teeth with it.
  4. Whenever the bristles seem exhausted, new ones should be trimmed or chewed.

Miswak vs. Toothbrush

Miswak and toothbrushes are both cleaning devices, but miswak, made from tree branches, offers natural antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that a toothbrush can’t. Moreover, using miswak earns the pleasure of Allah SWT and provides a more traditional and religious approach to oral hygiene.

While toothbrushes might be easier to use, miswak, with its eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness, still tops the chart. Although it may take some time to get familiar with miswak, its natural ability to maintain a healthy mouth and good breath makes it a favorable alternative for those looking for a natural healthcare option.

Making The Switch

In comparison, miswak tastes bitter than a toothbrush because it has an essential oil that promotes saliva production. To overcome this taste, during the first few times, one can use miswak with a little bit of toothpaste or dip it in mouthwash to help become familiar with the taste. Alternatively, one can place miswak in rose water so the stick leaves a pleasant fragrance behind.

Muhammad SAW About Miswak

Miswak and Prayer

In a hadith, Aisha RA reported that we prepared miswak and wudu water for Muhammad SAW. And when he woke up in the night, he would brush his teeth with miswak, perform wudu and then offer salat. In another hadith, Hudaifa RA narrated that whenever Muhammad SAW woke up at night, he cleaned his mouth using miswak.

Pleasing The Lord

‘Abdur-Rahman bin Abu ‘Atiq said that his father told me that he heard Aisha RA say, narrating Muhammad SAW, that siwak is a means for purifying the mouth and pleasing Allah SWT.

Muhammad SAW and Miswak

In a hadith, Muhammad SAW said, I have certainly urged you regarding the siwak (i.e., using the siwak). In another hadith, Abdullah bin Amir bin Rabi’ah narrated from his father, who said that he saw the Muhammad SAW so many times that he couldn’t count when the Prophet used the miswak while fasting.

In another hadith narrated by Aisha RA, she said that at the time when she was supporting the Muhammad SAW with her chest, the son of Abu Bakr entered, and he had a fresh miswak and he was cleaning his teeth with it. Muhammad SAW looked towards the siwak, so Aisha RA took the siwak, chewed it with her teeth, shook it, and made it soft with water. After this, she gave it to Muhammad SAW, who cleaned his teeth. Aisha RA further stated that she had never seen Muhammad SAW clean his teeth in a better way. (the hadith continues onward.)

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