What Does Haram Mean in Islam?
In Islam, every action has its own degree and ruling. These degrees and rulings are derived from the two primary

What Is The Meaning Of Makrooh In Islam?
Islam is a religion that offers a complete framework for life. It divides everything into specific categories that ensure Muslims

What Is Fiqh In Islam?
‘Fiqh’ is derived from Arabic and means ‘understanding.’ It is also referred to as ‘Islamic Jurisprudence’. In Shariah terminology, the

How To Do Astaghfar In Islam?
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Even if you were to sin until your sins reach the heavens,

Awrah Meaning In Islam
Islam is a religion that cultivates modesty in all its followers. Specific guidelines in the Quran and Sunnah describe the

Raising Teenagers: Some Practical Advice
Children are a Divine blessing, but raising children is a trial. The Quran is full of Duas to help parents

Why We Benefit from Sending Blessings and Peace on the Prophet (SA)
‘Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, do pray to Allah to bless

What Is The Difference Between Adhan and Iqamah?
The adhan and iqamah are a foundation for the second pillar of Islam: prayer. The adhan serves as a call

What Was Musa AS Staff Called And Its Importance?
The staff of Musa AS serves as a great reminder of Allah’s unimaginable power. It broke the boundaries of what

How did Muhammad SAW Become a Prophet in Islam?
The prophethood of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is one of the most prominent events in the history of Islam. The event

What Are The First Words That A Muslim Baby Hears?
Islam has specific traditions with regard to welcoming a new life into this world. These traditions reflect the values of

How Did Prophet Muhammad PBUH Stay Fit?
Islam offers a holistic approach to life and encourages its followers to remain healthy and fit. Islam puts great emphasis

Does Islam Promote Violence?
Islam is a religion of peace and encourages its followers to be peaceful in every situation. The Quran and the

What Is A Mufti?
The word ‘mufti’ is derived from the Arabic language. A mufti is a person who is an expert in Islamic

Is Allah and God The Same God?
Many know that Allah and God refer to a higher being, a deity that people call or invoke, an entity

What Does Allah Look Like?
The human imagination, without a doubt, is an extremely unique concept. But even this uniqueness can’t encompass the absolute magnificence

What Is a Sunnah?
‘Sunnah’ is a word derived from Arabic and translates to ‘tradition’ or ‘way.’ In the Shariah (Islamic Law), the word

What is A Hadith?
Hadiths are essential to Islamic teachings. They provide guidance for Muslims in their everyday lives, foster spiritual development, and present

What does it take for Allah to Forgive?
Allah says, “O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah,

What Does the Word Mahram Mean in Islam?
Mahram is an Arabic word derived from ‘haraam’, which means ‘forbidden’. The word mahram refers to all those people with

What Is A Caliphate In Islam?
A caliphate, known as “Khilafa” in Arabic, is a form of governance led by an Islamic ruler called the caliph

What Is Kafir In Islam?
The word “kafir” is derived from the Arabic language and means “to cover” or “to conceal.” However, the word ‘kafir’

Who Was Abu Bakar In Islam?
“Abu Bakr is our leader, esteemed among us, and holds a special place in the heart of the Messenger of

How Many Children Did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Have?
The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) illuminates the path for countless individuals globally. While his teachings and prophetic mission echo

Importance Of Islamic Lunar Calendar
The Islamic lunar calendar is based on the position of the moon. It has 12 months, just like the Georgian

Which Dreams Are True in Islam? – Islamic Dream Interpretation
Dreams are very significant in Islam and can reveal many things about one’s future. They are considered a form of

Helping Youth Engage with the Quran
The Quran, our ultimate Guide, is as much for the young as it is for the old; it was as

Rabi ul Awal: Carry the Mission of the Prophet (sa) Forward
The Islamic month of Rabi ul Awwal is the month of the birth and death of our Prophet Muhammad (sa),

Islamic Dream Interpretation: Which Dreams Are True?
Dreams are very significant in Islam and can reveal many things about one’s future. They are considered a form of

Why is Islamic Prostration Important in Islam?
“When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping.” [Surah Maryam, Verse 58]

What Breaks Wudu?
Wudu is the ritual of cleansing and purifying oneself before praying or touching any holy book like the Quran. Just

Dua for Wudu
Wudu, also known as half ablution, is an important part of Islam. It is the ritual that allows Muslims to

What Is The Origin Of Salah?
“Recite that which has been inspired by the Scripture (the Quran) and establish prayer. Lo! Prayer preserves from lewdness and

How Many Rakats In Isha Salah?
“And worship Him (a portion) of the night (i.e., the offering of Maghrib and Ishâ prayers) . And glorify Him

How Many Rakats In Zuhr Salah?
Therefore, O Muhammad, bear with what they say and hymn the praise of thy Lord before the rising and before

How Many Rakats Are in the Fajr Prayer?
The Prophet PBUH said that ‘Whoever performs the morning prayer (Fajr prayer) is under the protection of Allah SWT.’ [Sunan

How Many Rakats In Asr Prayer?
“Be guardians of your prayers and of the middle prayer (i.e., the prayer of Asr), and stand up with devotion

How Many Rakats Are In Maghrib Salah?
“So glory be to Allah when you enter the night (i.e., offer the Maghrib and Ishâ night prayers) and when

A Quick Overview of the Hajj
As the fifth and most essential pillar of Islam, the Hajj is a religious duty for all practicing Muslims. Learn more about it here.

Who is Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islam?
There is hardly anyone who does not know of Jesus, but people do not know that Jesus plays a pivotal

Hajj of the Heart: A Non-Hajji’s worship
Allah (SWT) has preferred some times of the year over others. The good deeds and worship performed during these times

Who is Umar Bin Khattab (RA) in Islam?
“If there was a Prophet after me, it would be Umar bin Al-Khattab” ~ The Prophet PBUH. One of the

What is the Jizya Tax in Islam?
Whether Muslims or non-Muslims, Islam ensures that every person has access to their rights. One of such rights is the

What is Muharram in Islam?
Muharram, also known as Muharram ul Haram, is the first month of the Hijra calendar and marks the beginning of

Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic?
Non-Muslims may have heard a thing or two about Islam, but they lack basic knowledge about its foundation and how

How Long is a Ramadan Fast?
Ramadan is the month of the Islamic calendar that signifies the revelation of the Holy Quran. During Ramadan, Muslims fast

Who was Khalid bin Walid RA in Islam?
Khalid bin Walid RA, whose full name was Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī, also known as Saifullah

Who Are The People Of The Book In Islam?
The People of the Book, or Ahlul-Kitab in Arabic, are known as people who follow monotheistic religions and have their

Angels in Islam – Everything You Need to Know
Here is everything you need to know about the characteristics of an Angel as stated by Allah in His Holy Books.

When to Start Takbir For Eid al Adha
Eid ul Adha is one of the Islamic community’s annual festivals. It is significant in Islamic history and represents Ibrahim

What Is Tawaf?
Every time one proceeds to the house of Allah to perform the Hajj or Umrah, one has to perform tawaf.

What Is Surah Muzammil About?
Surah Muzammil, or Surah Al-Muzammil is the seventy-third chapter of the Quran. It contains twenty verses and is a Mekkan

Importance of Surah Mulk for Muslims
The Quran serves as a living guide for all Muslims. It comprises many Surahs that protect an individual from harm

What Is Surah Quraish About?
Surah Quraish is the 106th chapter of the Holy Quran. Despite being a short surah of four verses, it conveys

What is Waqf?
Waqf (singluar) or Awqaf (plural) is an Arabic word that means endowment, assets that are denoted, or assets that are

How to Pray Witr
The Witr prayer is an odd-numbered prayer of 3 rakats after Isha. The time for witr prayer starts after Isha

What is Rizq in Islam
Rizq meaning in Arabic is sustenance, provision, or blessings. Many people believe that rizq is only in the form of

How to Do Wudu
Wudu, meaning half-ablution, is the ritual of washing oneself before every prayer, whether obligatory or voluntary. Wudu works like water

Importance of Kufi Hat for Men in Islam
Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of modesty for both men and women. While women observe veils and

What Is Zakat al-Fitr?
As the holy month of Ramadan ends and Eid approaches, Muslims must pay an obligatory amount to the needy or

What Does Haram Mean in Islam?
In Islam, every action has its own degree and ruling. These degrees and rulings are derived from the two primary

What Is The Meaning Of Makrooh In Islam?
Islam is a religion that offers a complete framework for life. It divides everything into specific categories that ensure Muslims

What Is Fiqh In Islam?
‘Fiqh’ is derived from Arabic and means ‘understanding.’ It is also referred to as ‘Islamic Jurisprudence’. In Shariah terminology, the

How To Do Astaghfar In Islam?
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Even if you were to sin until your sins reach the heavens,

Awrah Meaning In Islam
Islam is a religion that cultivates modesty in all its followers. Specific guidelines in the Quran and Sunnah describe the

Raising Teenagers: Some Practical Advice
Children are a Divine blessing, but raising children is a trial. The Quran is full of Duas to help parents

Why We Benefit from Sending Blessings and Peace on the Prophet (SA)
‘Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O you who believe, do pray to Allah to bless

What Is The Difference Between Adhan and Iqamah?
The adhan and iqamah are a foundation for the second pillar of Islam: prayer. The adhan serves as a call

What Was Musa AS Staff Called And Its Importance?
The staff of Musa AS serves as a great reminder of Allah’s unimaginable power. It broke the boundaries of what

How did Muhammad SAW Become a Prophet in Islam?
The prophethood of Prophet Muhammad PBUH is one of the most prominent events in the history of Islam. The event

What Are The First Words That A Muslim Baby Hears?
Islam has specific traditions with regard to welcoming a new life into this world. These traditions reflect the values of

How Did Prophet Muhammad PBUH Stay Fit?
Islam offers a holistic approach to life and encourages its followers to remain healthy and fit. Islam puts great emphasis

Does Islam Promote Violence?
Islam is a religion of peace and encourages its followers to be peaceful in every situation. The Quran and the

What Is A Mufti?
The word ‘mufti’ is derived from the Arabic language. A mufti is a person who is an expert in Islamic

Is Allah and God The Same God?
Many know that Allah and God refer to a higher being, a deity that people call or invoke, an entity

What Does Allah Look Like?
The human imagination, without a doubt, is an extremely unique concept. But even this uniqueness can’t encompass the absolute magnificence

What Is a Sunnah?
‘Sunnah’ is a word derived from Arabic and translates to ‘tradition’ or ‘way.’ In the Shariah (Islamic Law), the word

What is A Hadith?
Hadiths are essential to Islamic teachings. They provide guidance for Muslims in their everyday lives, foster spiritual development, and present

What does it take for Allah to Forgive?
Allah says, “O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah,

What Does the Word Mahram Mean in Islam?
Mahram is an Arabic word derived from ‘haraam’, which means ‘forbidden’. The word mahram refers to all those people with

What Is A Caliphate In Islam?
A caliphate, known as “Khilafa” in Arabic, is a form of governance led by an Islamic ruler called the caliph

What Is Kafir In Islam?
The word “kafir” is derived from the Arabic language and means “to cover” or “to conceal.” However, the word ‘kafir’

Who Was Abu Bakar In Islam?
“Abu Bakr is our leader, esteemed among us, and holds a special place in the heart of the Messenger of

How Many Children Did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Have?
The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) illuminates the path for countless individuals globally. While his teachings and prophetic mission echo

Importance Of Islamic Lunar Calendar
The Islamic lunar calendar is based on the position of the moon. It has 12 months, just like the Georgian

Which Dreams Are True in Islam? – Islamic Dream Interpretation
Dreams are very significant in Islam and can reveal many things about one’s future. They are considered a form of

Helping Youth Engage with the Quran
The Quran, our ultimate Guide, is as much for the young as it is for the old; it was as

Rabi ul Awal: Carry the Mission of the Prophet (sa) Forward
The Islamic month of Rabi ul Awwal is the month of the birth and death of our Prophet Muhammad (sa),

Islamic Dream Interpretation: Which Dreams Are True?
Dreams are very significant in Islam and can reveal many things about one’s future. They are considered a form of

Why is Islamic Prostration Important in Islam?
“When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping.” [Surah Maryam, Verse 58]

What Breaks Wudu?
Wudu is the ritual of cleansing and purifying oneself before praying or touching any holy book like the Quran. Just

Dua for Wudu
Wudu, also known as half ablution, is an important part of Islam. It is the ritual that allows Muslims to

What Is The Origin Of Salah?
“Recite that which has been inspired by the Scripture (the Quran) and establish prayer. Lo! Prayer preserves from lewdness and

How Many Rakats In Isha Salah?
“And worship Him (a portion) of the night (i.e., the offering of Maghrib and Ishâ prayers) . And glorify Him

How Many Rakats In Zuhr Salah?
Therefore, O Muhammad, bear with what they say and hymn the praise of thy Lord before the rising and before

How Many Rakats Are in the Fajr Prayer?
The Prophet PBUH said that ‘Whoever performs the morning prayer (Fajr prayer) is under the protection of Allah SWT.’ [Sunan

How Many Rakats In Asr Prayer?
“Be guardians of your prayers and of the middle prayer (i.e., the prayer of Asr), and stand up with devotion

How Many Rakats Are In Maghrib Salah?
“So glory be to Allah when you enter the night (i.e., offer the Maghrib and Ishâ night prayers) and when

A Quick Overview of the Hajj
As the fifth and most essential pillar of Islam, the Hajj is a religious duty for all practicing Muslims. Learn more about it here.

Who is Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islam?
There is hardly anyone who does not know of Jesus, but people do not know that Jesus plays a pivotal

Hajj of the Heart: A Non-Hajji’s worship
Allah (SWT) has preferred some times of the year over others. The good deeds and worship performed during these times

Who is Umar Bin Khattab (RA) in Islam?
“If there was a Prophet after me, it would be Umar bin Al-Khattab” ~ The Prophet PBUH. One of the

What is the Jizya Tax in Islam?
Whether Muslims or non-Muslims, Islam ensures that every person has access to their rights. One of such rights is the

What is Muharram in Islam?
Muharram, also known as Muharram ul Haram, is the first month of the Hijra calendar and marks the beginning of

Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic?
Non-Muslims may have heard a thing or two about Islam, but they lack basic knowledge about its foundation and how

How Long is a Ramadan Fast?
Ramadan is the month of the Islamic calendar that signifies the revelation of the Holy Quran. During Ramadan, Muslims fast

Who was Khalid bin Walid RA in Islam?
Khalid bin Walid RA, whose full name was Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī, also known as Saifullah

Who Are The People Of The Book In Islam?
The People of the Book, or Ahlul-Kitab in Arabic, are known as people who follow monotheistic religions and have their

Angels in Islam – Everything You Need to Know
Here is everything you need to know about the characteristics of an Angel as stated by Allah in His Holy Books.

When to Start Takbir For Eid al Adha
Eid ul Adha is one of the Islamic community’s annual festivals. It is significant in Islamic history and represents Ibrahim

What Is Tawaf?
Every time one proceeds to the house of Allah to perform the Hajj or Umrah, one has to perform tawaf.

What Is Surah Muzammil About?
Surah Muzammil, or Surah Al-Muzammil is the seventy-third chapter of the Quran. It contains twenty verses and is a Mekkan

Importance of Surah Mulk for Muslims
The Quran serves as a living guide for all Muslims. It comprises many Surahs that protect an individual from harm

What Is Surah Quraish About?
Surah Quraish is the 106th chapter of the Holy Quran. Despite being a short surah of four verses, it conveys

What is Waqf?
Waqf (singluar) or Awqaf (plural) is an Arabic word that means endowment, assets that are denoted, or assets that are

How to Pray Witr
The Witr prayer is an odd-numbered prayer of 3 rakats after Isha. The time for witr prayer starts after Isha

What is Rizq in Islam
Rizq meaning in Arabic is sustenance, provision, or blessings. Many people believe that rizq is only in the form of

How to Do Wudu
Wudu, meaning half-ablution, is the ritual of washing oneself before every prayer, whether obligatory or voluntary. Wudu works like water

Importance of Kufi Hat for Men in Islam
Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of modesty for both men and women. While women observe veils and

What Is Zakat al-Fitr?
As the holy month of Ramadan ends and Eid approaches, Muslims must pay an obligatory amount to the needy or