Who was Khalid bin Walid RA in Islam?

Khalid bin Walid RA, whose full name was Abū Sulaymān Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī, also known as Saifullah (the sword of Allah), stands as one of the most courageous warriors in Islamic history—possessing unwavering resolve and being a paragon of courage.

The life of Khalid bin Walid RA serves as an ideal symbol of determination, loyalty, and heroism. From his early opposition to Islam to his embrace of the religion, he stands as the optimal example of change and repentance. This article will delve deeper into Khalid bin Walid RA’s life, his military expeditions, his reversion to Islam, and his journey to becoming one of the greatest soldiers in the Islamic military.

Early Life

Born into the noble tribe of Quraysh, Khalid bin Walid RA became destined for prominence. His father, Al-Walid ibn al-Mughira, was one of the most influential leaders of the Banu Mukhzam clan, which dominated the political and economic aspects of Makkah and looked down upon their rival clan, Banu Hashim.

Banu Mukhzam had money, political power, and influence, which set the stage for Khalid bin Walid’s various military expeditions. Therefore, when a man from Banu Hashim, a weaker clan, announced Prophethood, the rivalry between Banu Mukhzam and Banu Hashim grew worse. For this reason, Muhammad SAW prayed to Allah SWT for Umar bin Khatab RA to join the Muslim community, eventually leading to one major development in the early days of Islam with the conversion of Umar bin Khatab.

Coming from a noble background and being a younger cousin of Umar bin Khatab RA. Khalid bin Walid RA mastered the art of warfare and strategy at a young age and proved to be a true strategist even when he was against the Muslims.

Conversion to Islam

With the peace agreement of Al-Hudaibiyah, Muhammad SAW and his companions returned home, Khalid bin Walid RA was gripped with a strong sense of confusion, which was only lifted when his brother, Al-Waleed ibn Al-Waleed, left him a letter saying that he was amazed at the fact that Khalid bin Walid continued to turn away from Islam even though Al Waleed knew he was intelligent and that it was high time for him to make amends for the great benefits he had missed. (i.e., conveying the message that Islam is the only true religion and Khalid bin Walid should be able to understand that due to his intelligence.)

Khalid bin Walid RA felt that he needed a companion to go with him. Therefore, he approached Safwan ibn Umayyah, whose father, brother, and uncle were killed by the Muslims. When he refused, Khalid bin Walid approached Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl, whose father, Abu Jhal, had been one of the most prominent enemies of Islam and Muhammad SAW until he was killed at Badr. Therefore, he refused, too.

In the end, Khalid bin Walid RA approached  Uthman ibn Talhah, a close friend of his. Knowing that Uthman’s uncle, father, and four brothers had been killed in the Uhud, he hesitated, but when he was met with positivity from Uthman’s side, both began their journey to Madinah.

During the eighth year of Hijra, Khalid bin Walid RA converted to Islam. The first thing he did after converting was to ask the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to pray to Allah to forgive him for his past sins and aggression against Islam. Even though the Prophet PBUH told him that his conversion to Islam meant that he had been forgiven for all his past sins and he would have a fresh start, on the continuous insistence of Khalid bin Walid RA, the Prophet PBUH prayed to Allah to forgive him for his sins.

After his conversion, when he joined the believers, he found a true cause to fight for, and the Muslims gained a military genius who was a fierce fighter.

Role in Wars

Battle of Uhud

In the battle of Uhud, the Prophet PBUH prepared an army of archers to protect the Muslims and ordered them to stay in their places no matter what. But when some of the archers left their post, Khalib bin Waleed RA saw this as an opportunity to attack the Muslims and defeat them. Even though the Muslims won the battle, Khalid bin Walid RA’s move showed his meticulous attention to strategy.

Battle of Mutah

Regarded as the fiercest battle in the life of the Prophet PBUH, it took place in September 629 between the Muslim army and the Byzantine Empire.

In the battle of Mutah, many prominent personalities were martyred, including Abdullah bin Rawahah RA. After his death, the Muslims had to choose a leader, and the honor was given to Khalid bin Walid RA.

Khalid bin Walid RA took command and managed to retreat with the Muslim army. Had it not been for his strategy, the Muslim army would have been massacred. In a hadith of Sahih Al Bukhari, Khalid bin Walid RA narrated that on the day of Battle of Mutah, a total of nine swords were broken by him during the fight. And only a Yemenite sword of his remained in his hand. [Sahih al-Bukhari,4265]

Conquest of Makkah

One of the pivotal moments in Islam’s history was the conquest of Makkah in 630 CE, and Khalid bin Walid RA played a central role in this. The Prophet PBUH entrusted Khalid bin Walid RA with the responsibility of entering Makkah under certain conditions so that there would be no bloodshed.

Death of Khalid bin Walid RA

Khalid bin Walid RA passed away on August 22, 642 AD, in Homs, Syria. There is a story of KKhalid bin Walid RA; when someone visited him on his deathbed, they found him in tears. Khalid bin Walid RA said that there wasn’t even a single finger on his body where he hadn’t been injured in battle, and yet he was here, dying while lying in bed rather than being martyred in battle. But the Muslims replied that how can the sword of Islam, the title given to Khalid bin Walid RA by the Prophet PBUH, be broken in battle?

One thought on “Who was Khalid bin Walid RA in Islam?

  1. Khalid bin Walid RA, famously known as the “Sword of Allah,” was one of the most brilliant military commanders in Islamic history, renowned for his unmatched courage, strategic prowess, and unwavering faith after his conversion to Islam.

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