Failure can have a powerful impact on human behaviour. It can cause great misery and negativity among people, like depression, […]
Sharing: Space, Lives, and Goals in Marriage
Just as every house has a different structure, dimension, and unique decor, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for a balanced […]
How To Do Astaghfar In Islam?
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Even if you were to sin until your sins reach the heavens, […]
Awrah Meaning In Islam
Islam is a religion that cultivates modesty in all its followers. Specific guidelines in the Quran and Sunnah describe the […]
Raising Teenagers: Some Practical Advice
Children are a Divine blessing, but raising children is a trial. The Quran is full of Duas to help parents […]
What Are The First Words That A Muslim Baby Hears?
Islam has specific traditions with regard to welcoming a new life into this world. These traditions reflect the values of […]
How Did Prophet Muhammad PBUH Stay Fit?
Islam offers a holistic approach to life and encourages its followers to remain healthy and fit. Islam puts great emphasis […]
What Is A Mufti?
The word ‘mufti’ is derived from the Arabic language. A mufti is a person who is an expert in Islamic […]
What does it take for Allah to Forgive?
Allah says, “O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, […]
What Does the Word Mahram Mean in Islam?
Mahram is an Arabic word derived from ‘haraam’, which means ‘forbidden’. The word mahram refers to all those people with […]