Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic?

Non-Muslims may have heard a thing or two about Islam, but they lack basic knowledge about its foundation and how it should be practiced. Many people have incorrect information; thus, they fail to realize how much Islam offers. For instance, many people do not know whether Islam is monotheistic or polytheistic. Keeping this in mind, this blog will answer the question: is Islam monotheistic or polytheistic? And provide other useful information.

Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic? – Quick Overview

The straightforward answer to the question is that Islam is a monotheistic religion. Islam is an Abrahamic faith that was concluded by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).

Many people do not know that Islam was the first and last religion chosen by God for humanity. Islam (i.e., belief in the fundamental principles of Tawheed, Prophethood and Messengership, Angels, Paradise and Hell, the Afterlife, etc.) started with Prophet Adam (Peace be Upon Him), and it was concluded by Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).

The religion was sent in pieces according to the people’s needs. Eventually, Islam was completed and sent to humanity via Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him), who originated from Mecca.

The basics of Islam are pretty simple: worship only one God and believe in all his prophets, including the seal of the prophets, Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him). According to the Quran and the Hadith, there is no room for associating partners with God. Associating partners with God is one of the biggest sins. A Muslim cannot be called a Muslim if they worship anyone except Allah.

Worshipping Allah, the one true God, is an integral part of faith. Worshipping and believing in one God, Allah, is incredibly important and is a pillar of Islam. 

What God do Muslims Worship?

As mentioned above, Muslims must believe in and worship one God, Allah. Allah is the Arabic word for God and isn’t a moon deity many claim to be. Allah is the same God that created Prophet Adam (Peace Be upon Him) and his wife Eve (Peace Be upon Her) and granted Prophet Isa (Peace Be upon Him) miracles; He was responsible for saving Prophet Moses (Peace Be upon Him) and his people, and so on.

Allah is the creator of the universe, the known and the unknown, the angels, humanity, and henceforth. Allah has no creator, nor did he birth anyone; if He wills it, it becomes a reality. Allah is the all-knowing God who wants humanity to worship Him, do good deeds, pay alms, and lead a respectable life. By following Allah’s commands, humanity can lead a happy life in this life and the hereafter.

Hopefully, this blog has answered whether Islam is monotheistic or polytheistic and will clear those with doubt. For those with questions or concerns, feel free to comment below.

12 thoughts on “Is Islam Monotheistic or Polytheistic?

  1. Please update all the Hadees books of Islam like Sahi Bukhari Muslim extra these are not in Quran Majeed app please get the all Hadees books of Islam in Quran Majeed app and your app is very good working and I am happy to be the downloader of Quran Majeed app

  2. Assalamualaikum
    I’d like to raise a question based on the observation I deduce from your blog. You mention that Islam is an Abrahamic faith which was was concluded by Prophet Muhammad SAW. So what was the religion that was practice by the prophet who preceded Prophet Ibrahim.

    1. According to Quran 2V 132: Allah said, “And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; “Oh my sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam.”
      Islam is what has been practiced all the way.

  3. May the Peace of Allah be upon Everyone

    I’ve been contemplating this topic for years, is Islam, monotheistic, or polytheistic? The way some folks reference the prophet, it can be on the same level it is with Allah. I was visiting a masjid during Jumaah (Friday worship) when I first noticed. The Imam mention Allah’s name, and said Highly Praised, within tradition, but not many of the congregation said it as well. The flaw is, when the Imam mentioned Muhammad, in unison, the congregation said صلى الله عليه وسلم. So, when the creators name is mentioned people say nothing and when the prophet is mentioned the people don’t fail to extend blessings. It seems to be a bit more admiration extended to the prophet than Allah, and that’s text book polytheism and at best misdirected monotheism, which is a polytheistic practice. I know people will defend this practice with vague references and that’s the very practice of polytheistic thinking.

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