In Islam, every action has its own degree and ruling. These degrees and rulings are derived from the two primary sources of information in Islam, which are the Quran and the Hadith. Each ruling and degree serves as a path for Muslims to live a life in accordance with Allah’s pleasure. Each action is divided into 5 categories, and one of them is the ‘Haram’ category. This blog will delve deeper into this category and explore the different rules that the scriptures state about it.
What Does Haram Mean?
The word ‘haram’ is derived from the Arabic root word ‘hrm.’ Haram means ‘forbidden’ or ‘impermissible’. In Shariah, it is used to refer to actions that are forbidden. The one who intentionally performs these actions is punishable. The word ‘haram’ encompasses actions, behaviors, food, and even relationships that are deemed contrary to the teachings of Islam and are to be avoided by Muslims. The rulings for all the haram actions are derived from the Quran and hadith.
Examples Of Haram
Un-Islamic decor
Decor such as paintings or statues of living beings is considered haram in Islam. The reason for this is that Allah is the only one capable of shaping his creation, and when a person designs something similar to living beings, it implies that one is trying to match the creation of Allah. This is a grave sin, and the one who commits it will be punished.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated: “Whoever creates an image will face punishment until they are ordered to breathe life into it, which they will be unable to do.”
Gambling is haram in Islam because it makes a person rely on luck and accidents to make money instead of the hard work as Allah has prescribed. Moreover, gambling destroys families and relationships and makes a person waste his time. It makes people turn away from prayer and remembrance of Allah.
“O you who believe! Strong drinks and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Leave it aside so that you may succeed.”
In Islam, lying is regarded as one of the characteristics of hypocrites. It is a trait that encourages one to commit evil and prevents them from advancing in good actions. Furthermore, it destroys the reputation of people, leading to rocky relationships and weak connections within the community. It also disturbs the people’s peace and leads them to doubt one another.
The Messenger of Allah said: “Be committed to truthfulness, for it certainly leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to paradise. A person who strives to speak the truth consistently will be regarded by Allah as truthful. Avoid falsehood, as it leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to the fire. A servant of Allah who persists in lying will ultimately be recognized by Allah as a liar.”
Edible Items
Haram is not only limited to actions or behaviors but also extends to food and other edible items. Substances such as alcohol, pork, blood, etc., are considered haram.
“He hath forbidden for you only carrion and blood and swineflesh and that which hath been immolated in the name of any other than Allah; but he who is driven thereto, neither craving nor transgressing, lo! then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Consequences Of Committing Haram
If a person engages in haram actions, they are believed to have to face the consequences of it in their life and in the hereafter as well. Their relationship with Allah and Islam will weaken, and their faith won’t be as strong. Not only this, committing haram will lead to a decrease in rizq and knowledge and will make the person prone to a spiritual and moral decline. With all of this, if one repeatedly engages in haram actions, it will lead to the person having a desensitized heart where committing haram doesn’t bother them anymore.
Haram In Necessity
Certain conditions are described in the Shariah where the forbidden actions become permissible. These conditions are backed up by evidence in both the Quran and hadith and guide a Muslim in times of difficulty.
The First Condition
A person should only commit the haram action if he can find no permissible way of meeting that specific need. If there is a slight chance that the need can be fulfilled by permissible actions, then the haraam action stays haram even though they can commit it to satisfy the need.
If a person is starving and they have nothing to eat except dead meat, then it is permissible to eat the dead meat because if they don’t, they will die.
The Second Condition
The need must be met by the haram action. If that isn’t the case, then the haram action stays haram. If the person isn’t sure that their need will be fulfilled by committing the haram action, the haram stays haram.
If a person is sick and another person tells them to drink alcohol to get better, that is haram. Firstly, there is certainty that he will be healed of the sickness. Secondly, the sick person may get better without any treatment by simply putting his trust in Allah and praying and asking other people to pray for him.
Who Decides What Is Haram?
It is only for Allah to state what haram and halal are. The only way something is labeled haram in Islam is if there are rulings about it in either the Quran or the hadith. Other sources that are used to label certain things as haram are the statements of the Sahaabah (Companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him), the Taabieen (the generation that followed the Sahaabah), and the commentaries of the Salaf (the first generations of Islam) regarding the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as the opinions and ijtihad of scholars.
It is not permissible for anyone to label something as haram or halal. Whenever a new issue comes up, and a ruling about it is not found in the sources mentioned above, Muslims refer to trustworthy scholars and people who understand the scriptures.