Who is Umar Bin Khattab (RA) in Islam?

“If there was a Prophet after me, it would be Umar bin Al-Khattab” ~ The Prophet PBUH.

One of the most enigmatic and astonishing personalities in the history of Islam through whom the religion reached new heights, Umar bin Al-Khattab ((RA)), more commonly known as Umar ((RA)), was the second caliph of the Rshidun Caliphate. Not only was he a man of strength and cou(RA)ge, but he also possessed traits such as honesty and fair treatment between Muslims and non-Muslims, which led to the nickname of Al-Farooq, which translates to the distinguisher between right and wrong.

This blog will discuss in detail the life of Umar (RA), his conversion to Islam, his achievements during his rule, and his journey to becoming one of the most recognized personalities in Islam.

Ancestry & Early Life

Born in 583 AC to father Al-Khattab ibn Nufayl and mother Hantamah bint Hashim, Umar (RA) lived a life full of hardship and difficulties. Since his grandfather, Nufayl was one of the individuals whom the Quraysh tribe would consult for judgment, distinguishing between right and wrong was innate to him. His childhood was stripped of any luxury or enjoyment. His father made Umar (RA) tend to his camels at a very young age and beat him when he saw it was necessary. This harsh treatment of his father had a significant effect on him, but even his father’s harshness didn’t deter him from progressing in life. It instilled in him the importance of resilience, as captured in his own words:

“Get used to a rough life, for luxury does not last forever.”

From an early age, Umar (RA) excelled in many types of sports, such as wrestling and horsemanship. Although he grew up in a pre-Islamic society, this didn’t stop him from exploring uncharted territory, such as reading, which gave him a significant advantage over his peers.

He also possessed admirable skills, such as trading, which made him among the rich men of Makkah.

Appearance & Personality

A fair-skinned boy with a reddish complexion who grew into a strong, tall, and resilient man, Umar (RA) exuded an aura of strength and power. His posture commanded respect, while his voice left no room for negotiation. When he walked, he walked with confidence, spoke with clarity, and struck with strength. Being recognized among the most respectful of pre-Islamic society, he was considered a man of authority. His personality and characteristics highlighted every word in his famous saying:

“Sometimes the people with the worst past create the best future.”

Conversion To Islam

When a few people in Makkah became Muslims, he openly preached his hatred towards Islam and took part in the abuse and torture of weaker converted Muslims. His detestation of the religion grew so strong that he volunteered to kill the Prophet PBUH and, without another thought, set out to end the life of the Prophet PBUH.

When he strode the streets of Makkah, Nuaim bin Abdullah (RA), who had converted to Islam but hadn’t told Umar due to fear, asked him where he was going. When he revealed his plan, Nuaim (RA), terrified for the life of the Prophet PBUH, revealed the secret of Umar’s (RA) sister and brother-in-law and said, ‘Why don’t you take care of your own house first?’

Hearing this, Umar (RA) stopped and asked him what he meant by this, and when Nuaim (RA) revealed that his sister and her husband had converted to Islam, he turned around and walked to his sister’s house. Upon reaching there, he heard his sister reciting the verses of Surah Taha.

When he questioned his brother-in-law, he replied in the affirmative, and Umar (RA) wrestled him to the ground. His sister went to the rescue of her husband, and in his anger, Umar (RA) struck his sister in the face, drawing blood.

Seeing the consequences of his actions, Umar (RA) calmed down and demanded that the Quran, which his sister was reciting, be recited to him. And therefore, the words were recited to him. After he heard the Quran, tears gathered in his eyes, and he asked, “Is this what we were against?” He then rushed to the house of the Prophet (PBUH), faced him with humility and joy, and confessed, “O Messenger of God, I have come for no reason except to say I believe in God and his Messenger.”

Appointment As Caliph

When the health of Abu Bakar (RA) declined, the people gathered around him and tried to appoint a successor they saw fit. But when they couldn’t come to a decision, they went back to Abu Bakar (RA) and left the decision in his hands.

He asked the companions for some time and then said to them: “Do you agree with the person I chose as your leader? I have made sure to select the best without favoring any relatives. I have chosen Umar ibn Al-Khattab as your leader, so please listen to him and follow his commands.” The companions responded, “We will listen and obey.”

Umar (RA) was made the second caliph and took reign immediately after Abu Bakar (RA) passed away on the 22nd of Jumada Al-Akhi(RA)h, 13th AH (August 23rd, 634 AD).

Achievements During His Rule

  • He founded the Hijri calendar.
  • During his era, Islam expanded at an unprecedented rate, and under his supervision, the Muslims ruled over Egypt, Persia, Libya, and many more.
  • He was the first to create a department to look into complaints against state officers.
  • Umar (RA) prohibited his governors and officials from conducting any business or trade while holding positions of authority.

His Martyrdom

When Umar (RA) was offering his Fajr payers, Abu Lulu Al-Fayruz, a Maigan (fire worshipper), stabbed Umar (RA) with a dagger of two blades. He stabbed him three times, and Umar (RA) fell, bleeding profusely. Umar (RA) asked Abdul Rahman bin Awf (RA) to conclude the prayer. Then he was taken to his house while he rapidly lost more and more blood. He asked to drink milk, and when he drank it, the whiteness of the milk oozed from his wounds. He left this world on 26 Dhul Hijjah, 23 AH (Wednesday, November 7th, 644 AD) at the age of 63 and was buried alongside Prophet PBUH and Abu Bakar (RA) in Masjid al Nabwi.

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