Every time one proceeds to the house of Allah to perform the Hajj or Umrah, one has to perform tawaf. […]
What Is Surah Muzammil About?
Surah Muzammil, or Surah Al-Muzammil is the seventy-third chapter of the Quran. It contains twenty verses and is a Mekkan […]
Importance of Surah Mulk for Muslims
The Quran serves as a living guide for all Muslims. It comprises many Surahs that protect an individual from harm […]
What Is Surah Quraish About?
Surah Quraish is the 106th chapter of the Holy Quran. Despite being a short surah of four verses, it conveys […]
What is Waqf?
Waqf (singluar) or Awqaf (plural) is an Arabic word that means endowment, assets that are denoted, or assets that are […]
How to Pray Witr
The Witr prayer is an odd-numbered prayer of 3 rakats after Isha. The time for witr prayer starts after Isha […]
What is Rizq in Islam
Rizq meaning in Arabic is sustenance, provision, or blessings. Many people believe that rizq is only in the form of […]
How to Do Wudu
Wudu, meaning half-ablution, is the ritual of washing oneself before every prayer, whether obligatory or voluntary. Wudu works like water […]
Importance of Kufi Hat for Men in Islam
Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of modesty for both men and women. While women observe veils and […]
What Is Zakat al-Fitr?
As the holy month of Ramadan ends and Eid approaches, Muslims must pay an obligatory amount to the needy or […]