Who is Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islam?

There is hardly anyone who does not know of Jesus, but people do not know that Jesus plays a pivotal role in Islam. Jesus is referred to as Prophet Isa (Peace Be Upon Him), and he is mentioned over a hundred times in the Holy Quran. While people know about Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) of Nazareth, let’s look at who he is from the perspective of Islam.

The Story of Prophet Isa (AS) in Islam

According to the Holy Quran and the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was related to Prophets Solomon, David, and Jacob (Peace Upon Them). Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was born to Mary, but he had no father. Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was a miracle child born to Mary without a father by the will of God. (The Holy Quran 3:42-47)

While many spewed vile rumors against the Virgin Mary for birthing Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him). With God’s permission, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him), as a baby, defended his mother, spoke about his miracle birth, and informed people of his mission as God’s messenger. (The Holy Quran 19:29-33).

From his birth, Prophet Isa (Peace be Upon Him) was capable of numerous miracles. Apart from being able to speak as a newborn to defend his mother and to inform people of his message, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was capable of healing the sick, reviving the dead, and curing the blind. It is worth noting that Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) could perform these miracles with God’s permission and did not take any credit for them.

During his youth, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) remained devoted to serving his mother and proved wise and intelligent. When Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) came of age, he pursued his mission as God’s messenger and preached to the Israelites. He traveled the land and preached wherever he could. Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was given the scripture, Injeel (The Gospel), and he confirmed the previous holy books.

Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) taught how to overcome hate and anger and emphasized being devoted to God for a blessed and peaceful life here and in the afterlife. As God’s prophet, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) led a pious and simple life, attracting followers who would become his disciples, including John, Peter, and Barnabas.

Read More: Interesting Stories of the Prophets

The Plot Against Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him)

Since Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) was successful in spreading God’s message, his enemies grew. Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) threatened the leaders and priests of the Israelites because their livelihood, wealth, and status depended on being the sole wardens of religion. These envious and hateful men pursued Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) and his followers, persecuting them whenever given the opportunity. Eventually, they plotted to crucify Jesus on a Roman cross.

Unfortunately, for the plotting men, God would never leave his believers without aid, let alone his messenger. While the plotting men believed they crucified Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him), God protected his messenger and saved him by raising him to himself, as mentioned in the Holy Quran. (The Holy Quran 4:175-158).

Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) the Son of God?

After God saved Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) and raised him to himself, his followers attempted to ensure the authenticity of his teachings. Unfortunately, the original message was lost with time, and numerous other beliefs popped up, such as the Trinity and Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) being the son of God. Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) never claimed to be God or the son of God. While some Christians do not believe Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) to be the literal son of God, they are few.

It is worth noting that Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) always claimed to be God’s messenger and was sent with the scripture to serve and guide his nation. Muslims believe in Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him), his scripture (the original texts that are now lost), and his miracles, but they do not believe in his crucifixion or being God or his son.

The Return of Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him)

As mentioned earlier, God raised Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) to protect him from his plotters, meaning he never died. Since Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) never died, Islamic schools of thought believe he will return physically, descending from the heavens to combat the Antichrist. Upon defeating the Antichrist, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) will live peacefully for forty years after establishing Islam as God’s religion. Moreover, Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) will even get married and have children, and he will be buried next to Prophet Muhammad upon his death.

Remember, according to the Quran, Islam started with Prophet Adam (Peace be Upon Him) and was concluded by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), meaning all the prophets were Muslims. Since Islam means submitting to the will of Allah, while the word Muslim means submission, a believer will understand why the religion is true and how God is the only one worthy of worship.

Hopefully, this blog has provided a better perspective on the Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) and his importance in Islam. Muslims believe in the Prophet Jesus (Peace be Upon Him) and all the prophets that came before, and there are no exceptions.

19 thoughts on “Who is Prophet Isa (Jesus) in Islam?

  1. If Jesus and Prophet Isa (PBUH) was, technically speaking, the same person, why was Jesus not called Isa (vice versa) just as Adam was called Adam by different faith, Abraham was called Ibrahim ( which is not far off), similarly, David was called Daud and among others, Zechariah was called Zakaria?

    1. The letter j did not come into the alphabet until 1524 up until that time. The letter J is considered the same as the I, which is why Jesus could not have been called Jesus and would’ve been called Isa

      1. U r correct bro I hope the bra that had that question got some understanding out of that n do his own research

    2. Jesus and Prophet Isa (PBUH) are the same person, but their names are different because they come from different languages and cultures. The name “Jesus” comes from the Greek name “Iēsous,” which is a transliteration of the Hebrew name “Yeshua,” meaning “salvation” or “deliverance.” On the other hand, the name “Isa” comes from the Arabic name “ʿĪsā,” which is a variation of the name “Yeshua” and has the same meaning.

      The use of different names for the same person in different languages and cultures is a common practice. It is often done to make the name more pronounceable or to reflect the cultural context. For example, in the Bible, Abraham is also referred to as Abram, and Jacob is also referred to as Israel.

      Similarly, in the Islamic tradition, many prophets are referred to by names that are similar to their names in other traditions. For example, Prophet Abraham is referred to as Ibrahim, Prophet David as Dawud, and Prophet Zechariah as Zakariya.

      In summary, the different names for Jesus and Prophet Isa (PBUH) are simply a reflection of the languages.

    3. it would be better known to the people who named Isa as Jesus. cuz in Arabic this is Isa which is also mentioned in Quran. who later named him Jesus is still unknown or maybe it is mentioned in the old testament which are lost now. Allah knows better.

      1. Thank you for writing this amazing blog it was really interesting but I got really confused when you kept saying Jesus it would be more understandable if you would just write prophet Isa (Peace Be Upon Him) instead of writing Jesus and for people who didn’t understand basically Jesus and Isa (Peace Be Upon Him) are the same person when prophet Isa (Peace Be Upon Him) used to use him miracles people thought that he was god or son of god so when Isa(Peace Be Upon Him) died people made a book which now called as THE BIBLE telling that he is son of god that is just nonsense may allah give them hidayath and forgive everyone for their sins Ameen summa Ameen that for reading and I hope my comment helped you understand the meaning. Thank you💗💗☪️

    4. Akhi Asalamu aleykum. The Aramaic name of Jesus is Esau. The letter J is not amongst that letter of the Aramaic language (Language of Jesus). Subtract the J you got Esus . Now, the S at the end of words was a common use of the Roman’s such names include as Augusts, Hercules, and even names like Barnabas Cepheus where changed to sound more “Roman”. Now we got the word Esu that’s getting more similar to isa isnt it. Now simply the correct pronunciation of the word is Esau and Isa is the word Esau in Arabic. What’s crazy is that Isa Alayhisalaam never heard anyone call him Jesus on his time at Earth. It was after his Ascension that he gained more European followers and you could say they “White Washed” his name. Hope this helps!

    5. In the Arabic language it is pronounced like this. for example God and Allah is the same meaning but not the same word. It’s like that in a different language.

  2. As faithful Muslim we firmly believe the
    1) return of Jesus as mentioned in Holy Quran
    2) Jesus or Isa is the Son of Maryam ( Mariam)
    Then it may be the curiosity to know more but refusing to believe these basic two things is Un Islamic We shall be careful

  3. Wow I love this, Alhamdulillah that I am a Muslim
    I love hearing something this it’s good for the health and is good to know the difference better

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